Author InfoLink
Updated September 16, 2021

InfoLink Consulting has been dedicated to the renewable energy market since its establishment, with its sub-brand, PV InfoLink, providing market intelligence and supply-demand information with the most comprehensiveness for businesses worldwide. To ensure that businesses hold access to the most instantaneous industry statistics and insights into the ever-changing market trends, InfoLink Consulting unveiled an all-inclusive visualized data system, DataFactory.

The most up to date, highly effective, and intuitive digitized intelligence system for the PV industry

DataFactory integrates existing supply-demand statistics of the PV industry, allowing businesses to search for vital information in a more intuitive way, simply by checking and unchecking boxes, instead of trawling through numberless Excel spreadsheets as in previous reports.  

The system also features filters for many factors, such as time, company, country, technology, and wafer size. With this, businesses acquire insights into trends of target markets, intelligence of competitors, and support their decision-making based on scientific data. The filtered information can be exported as Excel files and downloaded through just one click, for businesses to further understand specific figures and conduct more detailed reports within companies.

With the spirit of “Link the Value for You,” InfoLink Consulting works to bring greater value and profits for businesses with real-time and accurate market statistics and information. DataFactory, the brand-new database system, empowers businesses to collect analytic statistics and industrial intelligence more efficiently, and thus attain competitive advantages.

For more information, contact us now at [email protected]

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