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Updated July 31, 2020

Longi wafer price

Longi announced prices again on July 31. The price adjustment was made just one week after it announced prices last time. G1 and M6 is now respectively priced at RMB 2.9/piece and RMB 3.03/piece. Comparing to the prices published on July 24, G1 and M6 saw an increase of RMB 0.3/piece and RMB 0.27/piece, respectively. For foreign markets, they are respectively priced at USD 0.365/piece and USD 0.381/piece. 

The price gap between G1 and M6 wafers has widened to RMB 0.13/piece in China. The price adjustment this time reflects the rising polysilicon prices driven by shortage. Longi thus revised up prices accordingly.

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