Author InfoLink
Updated May 06, 2020

The Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) has proposed twelve measures to support the wind power sector and revive the country’s economy in wake of COVID-19.

Of the twelve measures, six of them are emergency measures that would ensure  business continuity, employment, and investment return over the short term. Six additional measures for mitigating the medium to long-term impacts of the pandemic are also offered by the association, which believes that improving economic and industrial strength and establishing a regulatory framework would help prevent, detect, and manage potential crisis in the future.

The past few months has been a challenge for businesses across all industries, including the wind power sector. But as coronavirus-related deaths fall, Spain, which declared a state of emergency on March 14, began to relax restrictions in early April. Both Italy and Germany have also reported falls in their daily rate of new infections.

With Vestas, Siemens, Nordex, and LM windpower having reopened their factories in Spain during April 6 to 14, the wind industry in Europe is reopening.

Europe spearheaded the world’s development of wind industry. After the COVID-19 crisis, how European countries help the wind industry bounce back will serve as a guide for governments across the globe.

The twelve measures proposed by AEE emphasize the importance of continued development of projects, research and development, and the manufacturing of wind turbines and components to economic recovery. The association considers  maintaining the Spanish wind sector’s industrial capabilities as well as identifying wind farm operations and maintenance as “essential activities” emergency measures.

The six additional measures include developing strategies for offshore wind and solutions to energy transition, such as electrification and training program for potential workforce.

The measures proposed by AEE are as follows:


  • Regulatory related mechanisms:
Give solution to the “Access and Connection Regulation” to avoid speculative practices and guarantee an efficient use of the network. Guarantee through access permissions and accelerated development of network planning. Accelerate the mobilization of investments by the private sector in the short term. Regulation on repowering and storage, in such a way that production improvement schemes are with a more efficient use of the network. Urgent processing of the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law. Urgent management of pending issues in the Just Transition Projects in decarbonization that lead to developments in renewable energy. Help improve liquidity in the renewable sector.
  • Streamlining of administrative procedures:

Simplification of procedures and reduction of deadlines. Digitalize the processing and management of permits. Maximize the online work capacity in the Administration.

  • Maintain the industrial competitiveness and resilience. Provide export support taxation. Coordination of climate, energy, industrial and innovation policies.
  • Have Structural Funds for economic recovery and Energy Transition.
  • To propose reinforced New Green Deal. Gain long-term visibility and build investor confidence.
  • Classify the operation and maintenance of the existing wind farms and of the manufacturing activities as essential activities for the Industry.


  • Development of the Offshore Wind Strategy and progress in the processes of regulatory review and planning of maritime space.
  • Develop a National Renewable Electrification Strategy for the aligned economy within the Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima (PNIEC). Electrify to improve health, fight climate change, gain business competitiveness and economic resilience.
  • Development of a crisis prevention and governance law. Forecasting, coordination and competency mechanisms.
  • Standardization in the business field of the activity of detection, prevention and management of risk situations similar to COVID-19.
  • Support for the development of areas rely on wind energy economy and accelerate the Energy Transition.
  • Development of a National Strategy for Talent and education for the Energy Transition.

El sector eólico ofrece 12 medidas al Gobierno para el relanzamiento económico en España por la crisis del COVID-19
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Wind energy offers 12 measures for economic relaunch in Spain

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