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Updated August 14, 2020

Leading mono-Si wafer manufacturer Zhonghuan Solar announced wafer price adjustment on Aug. 14, with 158.75mm (G1), 175µm-thick mono-Si wafers priced at RMB 2.88/piece, 166mm (M6) wafers at RMB 3.03/piece. The price gap between the two formats now sits at RMB 0.15/piece. 

Comparing with the adjustment made by Longi on Aug. 12, which priced G1 at RMB 3.1/piece and M6 at RMB 3.25/piece, Zhonghuan’s prices are lower by RMB 0.22/piece. This price level is almost identical with the prices announced by Longi on July 31. 

With Zhonghuan keeping wafer prices from soaring, it’s hoped that upward pressure caused by polysilicon shortage on the cell and module segments will ease a bit. After experiencing polysilicon shortage over August through September, the short supply is expected to improve in Q4.

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