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Updated June 28, 2017

Ever since Longi actively lowered prices, the overall mono-Si wafer prices have reflected a downtrend. But leading multi-Si wafer maker has announced price rise this week. The decline of mono-Si wafer prices and increase of multi-Si wafer prices has led to smaller price gap between the two, affecting supply chain market prices this week. This also shows that multi-Si demand will remain strong in July while conventional mono demand will slightly decline.


Similar to June, polysilicon prices will stay flat at RMB 120-122/kg in early-July for top-tier manufacturers. Yet, manufacturers thought prices already peaked previously, and thus they kept inventory at a lower level, leading to continuous tight supply. Polysilicon prices may rise again in the short run following the increase of multi-Si wafer prices. Meanwhile, overseas polysilicon prices slightly declined this week.


Leading multi-Si wafer manufacturers announced to increase prices this week, and therefore the average trading price of multi-Si wafers reached RMB 4.85-4.9/piece in China and US$ 0.64-0.67/piece in Taiwan. Prices of diamond wire multi-Si wafers have gone up as well, reaching RMB 4.4-4.6/piece. However, it’s not certain if wafer price rise can be reflected on cell prices, and that’s why the range of wafer price rise is still in negotiation between buyers and sellers.

Ever since leading mono-Si wafer maker started to lower prices, other manufacturers did the same. The average trading price of 190µm reached RMB 6-6.2/piece in China and US$ 0.78-0.83/piece in Taiwan. The large price gap among manufacturers previously has begun to shrink. The price gap between mono and multi-Si wafers has also reduced to RMB 1.1-1.3/piece in China and US$ 0.14-0.18/piece in the overseas markets.


Cell order has been lined up till late-July. Following the increase of multi-Si wafer prices, multi-Si cell prices slightly up, reaching RMB 1.8-1.83/W. Yet, Chinese demand will lower and India will enter the rainy season in late-July, and hence prices may reflect a downtrend for Chinese small-scale manufacturers first. Although Taiwanese multi-Si cell prices have increased to US$ 0.23-0.235/W like wafer, demand has come close to an end, resulting in almost the highest point for prices. On the other hand, multi-Si cell from third-party countries is priced at US$ 0.24-0.25/W.

For mono-Si cells, demand started to drop. Like wafers, prices for conventional mono-Si and mono-Si PERC cell have slightly declined in July. The average trading price of conventional mono-Si cells has dropped from RMB 1.98/W previously to RMB 1.93-1.95/W. The mon-si PERC cell market also saw a bit of fluctuation in prices, leading to chaotic pricing.


Module prices have become more stable. The average trading price of modules has reached RMB 2.9-3.1/W for multi-Si and more than RMB 3.2/W for mono-Si.

The overseas module market will be in serious short supply from July to August. All the capacities in Southeast Asia have been supplied to the US and Europe owing to the strong demand. It’s even more difficult to get mono-Si PERC modules. The impact caused from the “Section 201” has made the European, US, Korean, and top-tier module makers no longer dominate the US market. Some second-tier manufacturers can also get some benefits from this wave if they have capacities from tax-free regions or support from partnerships.

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