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Updated April 19, 2018

Recently, a number of new policies in China have been introduced. The domestic PV industry is looking at whether the proposal in the Management method of distributed photovoltaic power generation projects—Except for household usage less than 50kW, other distributed generation are no longer allowed to sell full capacity to grid companies—can further boost the installation boom of distributed PV stations.

However, since the new policies have not officially gone into practice, the attention should be paid more to the coming 630 installation boom. Upstream and midstream segments are facing pressure, as 630 has not begun to significantly raise the demand, and module capacity is still sufficient, causing constant slight decrease in prices.


The 630 installation boom has not sparked high demand; however, thanks to wafer manufacturers’ high capacity and high capacity utilization rates that caused slight undersupply, polysilicon prices still marginally increased this week. Mono-Si wafer use came to RMB 130/kg. Multi-Si wafer use also slightly increased. Generally speaking, polysilicon prices are still on a steady climb despite being slowed down by low wafer prices.


With new quotes soon to be released next month, mono-Si and multi-Si wafer prices did not see any change this week. But upstream polysilicon prices are currently on the rise whereas downstream cell prices have not shown significant growth. This situation has led to the unclear trend of wafer prices in the future.


Cell manufacturers have begun preparation for another price increase this week. A number of cell companies recently released new quotes for next month: conventional multi-Si quotes average RMB 1.4-1.42/W, and conventional mono-Si quotes fall into RMB 1.45-1.47/W, resulting in a higher strike price of over RMB 0.02/W.

Most trades have not started to process, but module manufacturers could concede when trading volume starts to expand next week, causing cell prices to slightly go up.

PERC modules in local Taiwan were in high demand, making PERC cells to marginally increase. It has climbed back to US$ 0.225-0.23/W


Owing to the fact that related subsidies in multiple countries have been reduced, module prices are still on the decline: multi-Si component prices have gone down to lower than RMB 2.5/W. Also, several manufacturers have reached around RMB 2.45/W in strike prices. Smaller companies even saw prices of less than RMB 2.4/W. 300W mono-Si PERC modules are still decreasing these days, down to RMB 2.6-2.7/W. Even with the arrival of 630, price trend is still unpromising.

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