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Updated August 03, 2020

China’s new offshore wind capacity additions reached 1.06 GW in the first half of 2020, up 165% comparing to the same period of 2019, according to China’s National Energy Administration (NEA).

However, new installed capacity of wind energy in general and onshore wind has declined 30% and 39% to 6.32 GW and 5.26 GW, respectively, comparing to the corresponding period last year.

China’s offshore installation rush is to secure payment by the subsidy deadline, followed the NEA’s 2020 notice published in January that scrapped national subsidies for new offshore wind projects starting 2021.

As the coronavirus outbreak eased up in China, new wind energy capacity additions grew in the second quarter. Newly installed offshore wind capacity reached 770 MW, spiked 166% from the first three months of 2020. Onshore wind capacity additions stood at 3.19 GW, up 54% from the preceding quarter .


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