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Updated November 22, 2018

Yesterday morning (21st), a chemical gas leakage accident occurred at OCI’s Gunsan Plant in Jeollabuk-do. The environmental issue caught the attention of the local environmental protection bureaus. Productions have been suspended for a small number of factories in order to cooperate with investigation. OCI indicated that this will not affect the company’s overall operation and output. 
According to understandings, Chinese manufacturers such as Longi and Jinko Solar purchase polysilicon from OCI. OCI’s solar-grade factory in Korea still maintained a capacity utilization rate of 100% in November. The company will begin to conduct the equipment maintenance in January 2019. At this point, polysilicon supply is not affected.
About 10 liters of toxic gas leaked at the Gunsan factory this time. A similar incident occurred in 2015. Whether the accident will further affect the utilization rate or conduct maintenance ahead of time depends on the governmental department’s investigation result. 

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