Author InfoLink
Updated April 11, 2024

The SolarEX Istanbul Solar Energy Techs & Storage Fair 2024 held from April 4 to April 6 attracted cell, module, BOM, equipment manufacturers. This year, the industry focus on local demand, technology iteration, and the demand of special spec products.  InfoLink talked to manufacturers at the SolarEX Istanbul, bringing back insights and analysis.

Market establishes stable development after oversupply

Turkey, located at the junction of Europe and Asia, boasts abundant solar resources. Local manufacturing companies mainly produce modules, with few making cells and wafers. Most module manufacturers rely on Chinese cell imports. As the PV industry and local demand grow, textile and food businesses flocked to the module sector. Rapid increase of module capacity from 2022 to 2023 led to significantly excess supply.

During the expo, some manufacturers admitted excess inventory, leading to production suspension or shutdown. Due to technology transition from p-type to n-type and excess new capacities, module prices decline sharply. Hence, manufacturers consider future capacity plans and financial strength to prevent production halts under oversupply market and industry competition. Additionally, cross-industry businesses seeking entry into the solar sector should assess market conditions to mitigate potential losses.

N-type modules gain traction in Turkey

The following recaps featured exhibits during the expo.

Cell exhibits were mainly from Chinese manufacturers, including 182mm 10BB-PERC cells and  182mm 10BB, 182mm 16BB, and 210mm 18BB TOPCon cells. Most module exhibitors were local Turkish manufacturers, showcasing existing PERC products, with some featuring TOPCon and HJT ones.

PERC products primarily included M10 72-cell modules with power outputs of 530-560 W. Few displayed M6 72-cell ones. Most TOPCon products were M10 72-cell ones with power outputs of 530-560 W. Due to the transition from p-type to n-type technology, some small-scale local manufacturers expressed demand for 182mm 10BB TOPCon cells. There were conceptual HJT products, but successful encapsulation by local manufacturers depends on technological capacity and market conditions.

Chinese module manufacturers showcased products featuring the latest technologies and catering to local demands. Due to trade barriers, China-origin modules are mostly available via local OEM or co-established production capacities.

The following graph provides a snapshot of exhibits from SolarEX Istanbul 2024:

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