Date July 01, 2022
InfoLink Consulting is pleased to announce that it has joined RE10x10, a Taiwanese renewable energy initiative launched by the Greenpeace to accelerate the development of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

In response to global climate crisis and sustainable development, InfoLink Consulting signed the RE 10x10 climate declaration, committing to achieving net zero emissions and 50% of renewable energy consumption by 2025 and 100% by 2030. InfoLink has introduced various energy-saving measures and signed an agreement with a power utility for the supply of 8000 kWh renewable energy per year. InfoLink also uses recycled paper and replaced paper documents with electronic documents to practice carbon reduction in every link of operation, in the hope to create a sustainable environment and future with other industry giants.

Following the conclusion of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), most governments and enterprises worldwide have reached a consensus to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

As major brands across the globe have successively joined RE100, a global initiative committing to 100% renewable electricity, the Greenpeace launched the RE10x10 Initiative Program in 2020 to be in line with energy transition, aiming to bring together businesses committed to at least 10% of electricity consumption from renewable energy sources by 2025.

Earth Day marked its 52nd anniversary on April 22. This year, the theme is "Invest in Our Planet" with an aim to build healthy cities, countries, and economies, as well as develop a prosperous and fair future through green economy and sustainable business models.
InfoLink joins RE10x10

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