Date December 23, 2022

Chairperson Ms. Lin Yan-rong (林嫣容) on Dec. 23 received the 17th Golden Torch Award for the “Top 10 Outstanding Enterprises of the Year” on behalf of InfoLink Consulting.

The Golden Torch Award, recognized as a benchmark for corporate excellence in Taiwan, is presented by ten professional committees composed of leaders from various industries worldwide to identify outstanding and promising corporate role models.

“Outstanding Enterprises of the Year,” one of the most competitive categories, selects representative and competitive enterprises based on their overall business performance, philosophy, and corporate culture and image, as well as vision. It has attracted a significant number of competitors every year.


▲ InfoLink Chief Executive Officer Yanrong Lin (right) receives the "Top 10 Outstanding Enterprises of the Year" from former Legislative Yuan President Jinping Wang (left).

InfoLink Consulting, a leading renewable energy research and consulting firm in Asia, has engaged in the renewable energy industry for years, with an aim to help businesses make commercially viable decisions and improve their competitiveness by providing reliable and in-depth market analysis.

Since its inception in 2017, InfoLink has grown rapidly, establishing itself as a renewable energy research consultancy in Asia with more than 160 clients worldwide, and planning to expand its operations in the coming year.

The company has developed progressive business development strategies that lead clients to diversify their services. In addition to research in areas including technology, renewable energy, and carbon neutral, it provides consulting services to help businesses keep abreast of the ever-changing market.

InfoLink values a creative, challenging, and joyful corporate culture, and has been committed to creating a friendly work environment. In addition to offering superior benefits to other companies, InfoLink focuses on nurturing talent, as well as building a team with a growth mindset to become a professional enterprise with excellent employees.

Corporate social responsibility has been the company’s concern. InfoLink has participated in the RE10x10 Corporate Renewable Energy Initiative and assisted Rakuten in developing a strategy for renewable energy use. As a consulting firm, InfoLink is committed to providing its clients with real-time and credible information to build a better and sustainable future together.


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