Date August 15, 2024
InfoLink Consulting continues its sponsorship for the youth baseball league of Chung Ping Elementary School in Taoyuan this year, showing its commitment to support the sustainable development of baseball in Taiwan.

InfoLink renewed its sponsorship agreement with Principal He Tsai-li (賀彩利) and President Li Shen-zhen (李沈鎮) of the Parents Association on Aug. 11, promising to provide funds for competitions, supplying equipment, and integrating sports technology for nurturing young baseball talents in Taiwan. 

The signing ceremony was attended by InfoLink’s Chairperson Corrine Lin (林嫣容) and CEO Jason Huang (黃公暉), along with the baseball team’s coach and players, witnessing this new milestone in their cooperation.

"Developing youth baseball is a crucial foundation for Taiwan's sports industry," said Lin. "We hope that through continuous sponsorship, we can support schools like Chung Ping Elementary School, which plays a key role in nurturing youth baseball talent." 

She highlighted the financial challenges often faced by youth league teams, which prevent them from participating in international competitions, and how InfoLink’s ongoing support will help alleviate this issue.

This year, InfoLink not only continues its commitment to funding competition expenses but also enhances its efforts to protect the players by providing additional professional training and sports protection, ensuring a safer environment for their athletic development. 

Additionally, InfoLink has further optimized the integration of sports technology, making the team’s training more scientific and efficient.

Principal He expressed her gratitude towards InfoLink, acknowledging that the sponsorship has not only resolved the team’s financial challenges but also provided comprehensive training resources and material support, enabling the players to grow and learn in a better environment.

"We hope to continue this partnership to further strengthen the foundation of sports in Taiwan. We also aspire to inspire more companies to join us in supporting and nurturing Taiwan's future baseball stars,” Lin said.

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