Date May 28, 2024
InfoLink Consulting is excited to announce the release of "PV Bill of Material Market Report" that will help businesses and stakeholders navigate geopolitical risks and drive informed decision-making with comprehensive market information and in-depth analysis on BOMs of the PV supply chain.

As the solar industry becomes more concentrated and competition heats up, manufacturers are seeking ways to secure profitability. The "PV Bill of Material Market Report" is part of InfoLink’s ongoing effort to help businesses stay resilient and overcome challenges amid uncertainty.

For a sample report, please download at https://www.infolink-group.com/market-report/solar.


About the report

Key highlights: 
  • BoM supply and market demand 
  • BoM capacity distribution and expansions
  • BoM price trends 
  • Trade policies and their global impacts
  • Product selection and technology roadmap

The "PV Bill of Material Market Report" is a quarterly report covering eight major BOMs of the PV industry: electroplated diamond wires, silver paste, PV glass, encapsulant, frame, backsheet, junction box, and ribbon. The report spans over 50 pages, with detailed analysis from senior PV analysts and exclusive data compiled by InfoLink through extensive industry surveys.

Who will benefit from this report?

Anyone looking to stay ahead amid escalating international trade risks, weather through overseas expansions or production cost reduction, will find a new perspective and useful knowledge to make strategic decisions:
  • Business leaders and executives: Gain strategic insights to guide decision-making and long-term planning.
  • Investors and analysts: Identify emerging opportunities and assess market potential to make informed investment decisions.
  • Product managers and developers: Discover consumer needs and preferences to drive innovation and product development.
  • Researchers and academics: Access detailed data and analysis to support scholarly research and studies.


The report is available for purchase by contacting [email protected]. For a sample report, please download at https://www.infolink-group.com/market-report/solar.

About InfoLink

InfoLink Consulting is a market research and consulting firm engaging in renewable energy and technology industries. Working alongside industry leaders and up-start businesses, InfoLink strives to empower them with real-time market intelligence, analytic reports, data research, and customized consulting services.


For any inquiry, please contact [email protected].
PV Bill of Material Market Report

PV Bill of Material Market Report

Get the PV Bill of Material Market Report, covering key auxiliary materials like diamond wire, silver paste, screen printing, glass, encapsulant, backsheet, and ribbon with a comprehensive supply and demand analysis. Download now!

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