Date August 26, 2024

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The global energy storage market is witnessing a surge in demand as renewable energy adoption accelerates. In the first half of 2024 alone, global installations of energy storage systems surpassed 50 GWh, a record high driven by increasing investments in solar and wind projects.

However, this rapid growth comes with its challenges —— particularly in the lithium-ion battery supply chain, given its price volatility, geopolitical factors, and supply chain disruptions. Industry stakeholders must remain agile and informed. For companies looking to stay competitive, having access to the most current and comprehensive data is no longer a luxury but a necessity.

LIB DB+: Elevating industry standards with real-time insights

To meet the growing demands of the energy storage sector, InfoLink introduces Lithium-Ion Battery Database + (LIB DB+), the upgraded version of the Global Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain Database. LIB DB+ will be updated monthly, a significant improvement from the previous quarterly updates. This enhancement is a direct response to the dynamic nature of the market, where timely information can mean the difference between capitalizing on an opportunity or missing it entirely.

Why LIB DB+ is the go-to resource for industry leaders

With its quarterly updated predecessor serving as a trusted resource for manufacturers, project developers, and investors worldwide, the LIB DB+ now offers even more up-to-date and accurate data, allowing for quicker and more informed decision-making. Data updated monthly include:

  • Lithium carbonate prices in China
  • Shipment volumes for different application scenarios of the top 18 energy storage cell manufacturers
  • Annual energy storage cell production capacity and production volume
  • Energy storage cell (280 Ah, 314Ah, 100Ah) prices in China
  • Bid-winning prices for 2-hour BESS in China

Key features of LIB DB+

  • Comprehensive coverage: A quarterly updated report on installation, project development, policy changes in markets including China, Europe, the U.S., Japan, Australia, and other emerging markets.
  • Data-informed decision support: A wide range of production, shipment, and price trend data covering from the lithium carbonate sector to system integration.
  • Enhanced value, same investment: LIB DB+ charges the same as its quarterly updated predecessor, ensuring subscribers receive more up-to-date insights at no extra cost.

Join the ranks of industry pioneers

  • Download a sample today and discover how LIB DB+ can empower your business to navigate the complexities of this rapidly changing industry with confidence.
  • To learn more or subscribe, contact your sales reps or write to us at [email protected].

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