White Paper 2024: On the Road to Net Zero
InfoLink provides essential insights into renewable energy deployment, with a focus on market trends in China, the U.S., and Europe (EU and the U.K.). As the world strives for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, this report highlights the critical expansion needed to stay within the 1.5°C and 2°C global warming limits.

This 2024 white paper examines two major aspects: solar and energy storage, shedding light on the progress of renewable energy development:
  • To limit global warming to 1.5°C and 2°C by 2030, 8.5 TW and 5 TW of renewable energy capacity are needed, respectively. Global capacity may exceed 10 TW, but there’s still a 2.5 TW shortfall.
  • Global electricity demand is projected to reach 37,091 TWh by 2030, driven by economic recovery and growth in developing nations. Renewables must expand beyond the current 30% share to reduce emissions.
  • Despite rapid renewable growth, political and financial constraints in developing economies, along with continued reliance on coal and natural gas, highlight the need for stronger renewable policies and innovation.
  • Report format: PDF
  • Release time: August 2024
  • Language: Chinese/English
White Paper 2023: On the Road to Net Zero
InfoLink focuses on China, the U.S., Europe ( EU and the U.K. ), providing an overview of renewable energy installation targets and actual progress, supply-demand dynamics in the supply chain, the decline in LCOE, and the impact of the Inflation Reduction Act of the U.S.

This white paper examines three major aspects: solar, wind, and energy storage, shedding light on the progress of renewable energy development:
  • Despite surging commodity prices and supply chain costs in 2022, the LCOE of solar remains notably lower than that of traditional energy sources in the three markets. Solar power has become the most-installed renewable energy, and its annual installation rate continues to rise.
  • Wind power still has room for cost reduction due to ongoing technological advancements, particularly in the development of offshore wind power, which has seen accelerated growth in recent years.
  • With the rapid expansion of cell production capacity by companies in recent years, global cell supply and demand will reach a balance after 2025. This will further drive down the cost of energy storage. Rapidly increasing installed solar and wind capacity will ramp up the development of energy storage.
  • Report format: PDF
  • Release time: June 2023
  • Language: Chinese/English

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